Breast Retractor Fibreoptic with Suction  150 x 36mm

Breast Retractor Fibreoptic with Suction 150 x 36mm

£165 +VAT

- Stainless Steel - Reusable - Gold Plated Handles - Ergonomical Handle - Tube provides cool whit...


Breast Retractor Fibreoptic with Suction 190 x 36mm

Breast Retractor Fibreoptic with Suction 190 x 36mm

£165 +VAT

- Stainless Steel - Reusable - Gold Plated Handles - Ergonomical Handle - Tube provides cool whit...


Breast Retractor Fibreoptic with Suction 90 x 24mm

Breast Retractor Fibreoptic with Suction 90 x 24mm

£165 +VAT

- Stainless Steel - Reusable - Gold Plated Handles - Ergonomical Handle - Tube provides cool whit...
